Did You Know About These Corset Silhouette Types?
Author Maxim Tourou / Category Architecture / Published: Apr-05-2018
While the corsets' main task is to offer you a slimmer waist, different corsets are there to offer you different silhouettes. Not everyone looks good in the same silhouette type. Hence, depending upon your body type, you need to choose a corset that can offer you the right figure and shape.
After wearing a corset, the silhouette is mostly compared to the glasses such as martini glass, wine glass, or the brandy snifter.
If you are new to corsetry, you should know about the different silhouettes you can get after wearing different corsets. A few of them are discussed here.
Today most women do not just wish to look slim but wish to have more feminine shapes. The hourglass figure is the shape that is inspiring most modern women today. Most celebrities today prefer to have this look. You must have noticed how many fairy tale characters in recent movies are portrayed with this hourglass figure.
Hourglass is when you have a smaller waist and a much wider bust and hip than the waist. The recent waist training corsets are mostly designed to offer you this hourglass figure only.
Cupped Rib
If you are not comfortable compressing your ribcage too much, you can look out for other options of corsets, too, such as the cupped rib corset. This corset also helps you get a small waist and cups up on the rib portion so that it is not compressed much. Here, only just the waist point is given a slimmer look while the rib cage area is left free so that you can breathe in more comfortable.
Moreover, suppose you are unsure whether you will get a good silhouette in this corset or not. In that case, the cupped rib corsets can offer you a much-defined waistline.
This is another type of silhouette that is almost similar to the cupped rib option. This silhouette is visible when you are seriously training your waist quite hard or when you are tightly lacing your corset quite frequently or regularly.
When you have a corset with a belt-like element at the mid-waist to offer extra pressure on the waistline, such a silhouette is developed. The waistline is appropriately defined and reduced in size, while the rib cage is cupped to offer a more curvy look to you.
While the modern corsets are more likely to offer an hourglass figure, many times in history have also witnessed women with a conical figure. Here also the aim of the corset is to offer a smaller waist. But the difference is the corset is manufactured so that it keeps on reducing its size towards the bottom. Thus, it will offer you a conical silhouette similar to an ice cream cone when you are wearing a corset of this type.
Now it is important to know that the corsets offering conical silhouette is not for everyone. Such corsets exert extra pressure on the rib cage area. Hence, you may feel uncomfortable with such a type of corset. But women who already have a smaller ribcage can comfortably wear this corset type and create such a shape.
If you have just started with the waist training procedure, you will need something that does not offer you extreme pressure. If you start feeling uncomfortable since the starting itself, you may not continue with the corsets anymore. Hence, it is required that you wear a corset that can exert a little pressure to stay comfortable in it. When you are wearing such a corset, it offers you a U-shape silhouette. This is almost similar to the conical silhouette but not an exaggerated one. It is just the starting phase through which you can enter into the world of corsets.